Feel the Heat

Ride organiser: Brussels Unchained
Jul 07, 2023 - 18:30

The temperatures are going back up, just in time for our next episode of the S|2023 TGIF Rides. We take off from TANDEM where you're welcome to stop by ahead of the ride for a coffee or a drink before we set off.

For this ride we head and watch the planes before heading back to hide in the woods from the heat. We cut across quieter roads to hit the canal and finish off at Antidote where drinks (and possibly dinner) awaits!

52km on the menu for this ride with 320m elevation gain.

Ride rules:

  • Join us at TANDEM as from 17h45 to enjoy a welcome drink with your riding pals.

  • Departure at 18h30, we wait 5 minutes extra for the late arrivals

  • Please follow the requests from the ride captains to slow down

  • For this route, we keep to pace 24-25km.h, please respect the pace for those who aren't as fit as you!

  • Don't forget to bring some cash for food and drinks at the end

  • Bring night lights to get home safely

  • Consider if you need arm and leg warmers for when it gets chilly after dark.

  • If we are above 15 riders, we ride on the main road but you must remain in tight formation, whilst ride captain holds traffic.

Are you in?
